
Name: Ta'Mela

Gender: Female

Origin: Council Island (Orion)

Powers: Telepathy (All. Specialize in Mind Reading)

Books: Kwan #1, Kwan #2, Kwan #3, Kwan #5, Legend #1, Legend #2, Legend #3

Short Bio

World Naiskarin.

Long Bio

Ruling despot of the Telepathic Guild and potentially Kwan's most dangerous arch nemesis who discovers her telepathic powers through a telepathic merge. She is first introduced when she mentally intrudes into Kwan's mind while Manny is attacking her. Kwan strongly believes that Brilliant Energy is a being detained by Ta'Mela in a dungeon which location is unknown. On several occasions, Ta'Mela attempts to contact Kwan through a mental telepathic merge in efforts to confirm her identity and to kill her. Ta'Mela is a grave threat to Kwan''s overall existence.